With the back-to-college season right around the corner, it is crucial to plan ahead. While textbooks, pencils, notebooks, and pens are all indispensable, your student may also benefit from preparing for anything that may happen outside of the college classroom. The Yurconic Agency offers a variety of back-to-school savings and needs that make planning for the upcoming year as easy as ABC!
Cover their Car with the right Auto Insurance
Depending on where your student is going to school and whether or not they are taking a car with them, you may be eligible for a discount!
- If your child is going to school over 100 miles away and not taking a car with them, you may receive a discount.
- If your child is going to school out of state and taking a car with them, it’s a good idea to notify your insurance company so that you can update your policy.
- Regardless of where your student is going to school, ask your insurance company if there is a good grade discount and what the criteria may be to qualify.
E-Z pass made Easy!
Help your student manage tolls with an E-Z Pass. We make enrolling for an account and transponder super simple. For as little as $43, you can travel without the hassle of stopping to pay tolls when you enroll through the Yurconic Agency.
A Healthy Dose of Insurance
When you need affordable health insurance, we shop for you! Students under 26 are most likely still covered by a parent’s plan, but those over 26 should consider looking into a plan of their own!
- It is ideal for students under 26 who are staying in-state to remain on their parent’s insurance plan during college. This is ideal because they can keep the same doctors when they are home on break, or if they have a preexisting condition.
- Students under 26 who are going out of state should check with their parent’s insurance carrier to see if they will be covered while attending school out-of-state, and what doctors/providers are in-network in that area.
- Another option to consider is the school-provided health insurance plan but this comes with additional considerations. Sometimes the plan is only active during the school year, meaning you’ll have to consider a short-term plan or shift your child back to your plan during the summer.
- Another question to ask is whether there is financial aid available to supplement the school-provided health insurance plan and to compare the premium and policy of this over a family health plan.
Protect their Personal Property
Students living on campus are typically covered under their parent’s homeowners policy. For students who choose to live off campus, renters insurance is usually required by the lease to protect personal property from theft or damage. And even if it isn’t required, it is strongly recommended. Renters Insurance is inexpensive and keeps you protected for the school year.
Ensure Your Ability to Pay Off College Loans
Student loans can be daunting, and life insurance can ensure that you and your loved ones can pay off any tuition-related debts in the event of an untimely death. Private loans in your student’s name are likely to be forgiven. But a private loan that is co-signed by a parent or someone else may not. Ask your lender about its death discharge policy and consider investing in life insurance.
These back-to-school options are a smart way to prepare for the upcoming school year while also taking advantage of great savings! It is important for college students to be prepared for anything when heading back to school this fall! Get in touch with us to find out what resources are available for you and your student.